20 Eylül 2012 Perşembe


I remember when Ikea moved to Utah in 2007. We had just moved too! After the move into our new home, we went crazy furnishing our place with all things Ikea. We still have that furniture, and it looks awesome. Over the years we have gone back to Ikea for various date nights. We adore looking at all the new items, and the free one hour childcare, it is truly the best.

Recently, Ikea invited me to come have breakfast and take a walk through their store to check out their new look, and to oogle their lovely new items. They even treated me to a $25 shopping spree!

Breakfast was DELICIOUS. I loved the french toast sticks and may have thought about stealing some off of my friend's plate when mine were all gone. Breakfast at Ikea will definitely be something I do with my kids in the near future. They will love it!

After breakfast I strolled through the new store layout. I loved the fresh white furniture with the bright textiles, throws, and pillows. It was definitely an amazing experience and made my local Ikea feel brand new.

My favorite things to check out were the new bathroom items and appliances. So sleek and modern. Always classy and not something that will go out of style.

The entire catalog is delicious:

It was SO hard to decide what to get with my Ikea cash. Basically, I love everything at Ikea that I ended up spending a lot more than $25.

That day? I saw these lovelies and I had. to. have. them.

I knew that these pretty 365+ bowls would be the perfect addition to my current tableware situation. I was so excited when I got them home and they coordinated perfectly with my place mats and dishes.


I love to entertain on special days like anniversaries and birthdays. While I was at the store thinking about the dishes I had at home, I had this brilliant idea to use the 365+ bowls to create height in my next entertainment table.

On my way home I picked up some removable mounting putty so that I could stick my bowls together for the event without having to sacrifice my bowls permanently. The best part? Everything would be reusable, and I could configure the bowls any way that I wanted. 

Then it got even more fun when I stacked two 365+ bowls on top of one another.

The aesthetic as well as photographic capabilities just became endless, so, I tried them out for our Sunday berry treat.

Beautiful, delicious, and surprisingly patriotic!

A few days later we found another fun use for our 365+ bowls when we made homemade ice cream.
We used the bowls to house all of our different toppings. We like fresh fruit as well as chocolate and homemade cookie dough. (Can you tell it is berry season and that we go through them like crazy? Delish.)

Thank you Ikea for inviting me to see your sparkly fresh store, and for the gift of these beautiful blue bowls. They are the perfect serving size for just about anything, and I am in love with all that they can do. 
**Disclaimer: I was invited by Ikea to see the new layout and design of their Draper, Utah store. I was given a $25 gift card to purchase anything in the store I wanted for that amount. My opinions of Ikea are solely my own.**

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