1 Ekim 2012 Pazartesi

Wishing You a Happy Labor Day Weekend from Manchester NY

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I’ll be in lovely Manchester, NY for a few weeks visiting my mother Pauline and the rest of the family. We’ll have a steadystream of new videos as usual, but I am going to try to take a little breakfrom the laptop, and stay offline as much as I can. So far so good…I think Ionly tweeted four or five times yesterday!
Uncle Billy. One of my most
influential culinary mentors!
Anyway, speaking of family, today is the famous D’Arduinifamily reunion, and if that name sounds familiar, it should. Despite being oneof our older, low-res videos, Chicken D’Arduini, which I filmed here years agowith my uncle Bill D’Arduini, has remained one of our most popular chicken recipesever. 

To honor the occasion, I’m reposting this wonderful dish justin case you haven’t seen it, or maybe forgot how delicious it really is. I hopeyou have a great holiday, and as always, enjoy! 

Chicken D’Arduini (click here for the original post and ingredients)

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