10 Kasım 2012 Cumartesi

Chest R Desk | A chair, and a desk, and a storage box, all rolled into one!

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With two kinds in school full time, having an area where they can do their homework in a quiet space has become critical. With so many distractions at the kitchen table, I have been looking high and low for a little desk for my kids that will fit into their already crowded bedrooms. Especially little Emmaree who shares a room with Camilla, there isn't much room left after two beds, two dressers and a book shelf.

Discovering the Chest R Desk has created so much excitement for me and is answer to many of my dilemmas in creating this quiet space for my kids to do their homework, or other activities that require a writing area.

If your kids are anything like mine, they are always creating something. Whether it is a scrapbook of fall leaves, or Halloween decorations hanging from their ceiling, in their spare time they can always find something creative to do. A lot of times, that creativity also calls for the need for somewhere to store all the "stuff" that they need to create with. Whether it be books, pencils, crayons, pens, or glue, the Chest R Desk has the space within their space to store all their little creative treasures. This short video shows how this is accomplished with a storage area under the seat of the chair/desk area.

Isn't this the most amazing little desk ever? I know of at least two little girls in our house who will be getting one of these adorable Chest R Desks for Christmas this year. I am not sure who is getting the better Christmas gift, my kids or myself, because I will finally have my kitchen table back instead of being covered by backpacks and homework every night! I think that as soon as grandma sees this, she is going to need one in her toy room as well.

The Chest R Desk, is highly constructed and comes in an ivory color, which makes it a perfect fit for almost any decor. Your desk will also come with decals you can use to decorate it however you would like! You can dress it up for a girl, or make it a little more manly for your little guy.

Can you believe that this desk fits children from 3-12 years of age? This means that your child can use the desk through elementary school, and then hand it down when they enter junior high. Truly brilliant.

Chest R Desk is available to purchase through their website: http://www.chestrdesk.com/
And on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chest-R-Desk/433450603370263?fref=ts

**Disclaimer: While I was compensated to tell you about the Chest R Desk, my feelings and excitement about this amazing product are my own...and I can't wait to open ours on Christmas morning!**

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