8 Temmuz 2012 Pazar

Breathing Space Blogger Retreat

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I am a little emotional after writing my last post. I have been meaning to sit down and write about the Breathing Space Blogger Retreat I am attending on May 4-May 5 at Daybreak Utah. However, life happened and here I sit writing about it, finding out that they just sold out this morning. While I am SO happy that the event sold out, I am honestly saddened that more of my blogging friends didn't hear about it from me. If you follow my Facebook I have been talking about it non stop.

Besides the reasons I eluded to in my last post, I need to run away and the Breathing Space Blogger Retreat came into my lap at just the perfect timing. See, besides the normal struggles in my marriage, there have been some serious events happen in my extended family, and the last month has been nothing shy of a whirlwind of emotions.

This week in no different as I prepare my etsy shop (the one I run with my fabulous besties Lindsey and Leisha) to attend the famed Queen Bee Market at Thanksgiving Point this weekend. (PLEASE come see us, and see why my fingers will be covered in band aids. The saying, working your fingers to the bone can be quite literal.)

This is what my house looks like at the moment:

This is the island of my kitchen. Contained in this photo are boxes of fabric and quilt blocks I am currently finding minutes to sew together. It is a sad state. The island may have been this way for a solid week. Pffft.

Here are the Chick Fil a bags left over from lunchtime. I haven't been letting my family eat out. However, I am a mad wreck and my kids are off track and the drive through called us. This may or may not be the same island full of sewing gadgets and fabric. You decide.

We did opt for the healthier grilled nugget option and fruit and no one popped open their sauces, so I guess I haven't failed motherhood completely. Is it sorry to admit I want to drink the Chick Fil a sauce? Probably.

Can we discuss the sad state of my sink at the moment? After last night's etsy fiasco, wherein I dumped some pretty stanky (safe to dump down the drain) stuff we use on etsy night down my overly filled sink of dishes, it set off a stink bomb of rotten egg smell due to it's cloggedness.  (Cloggedness is not a word...but you get the idea.) My entire kitchen now not only looks terrible, it smells terrible. 

One last thing before I go start cleaning up this disaster? My husband makes me take family photos and videos from varied angles or pick up the mess before it is forever documented on film or video. This irks me because, reality is, our house is always a disaster. These photos are proof. I wear them with pride. 
I am a crazy mom, photographer, graphic designer, etsy shop runner x 2 almost 3, churchgoer, daughter extraordinaire, forgiver (finally, but that is another post entirely), lover, fighter, runner, kisser, hugger, crier, needer, just not the best housekeeper.

Because of all of this? I need this retreat and it could not come at a better time than now, except maybe if it were tonight, but I can wait a little longer.

Check out the amazing lineup and more information on the website and Facebook page for the Breathing Space Blogger Retreat here:


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