2 Ocak 2013 Çarşamba

Saying Good Bye to 2012

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I suppose each year is filled with events big and small.  It’s rash to say whether one year has been better or more busy than another.  As a mom, the years are filled with lost teeth, science projects, book reports, new shoes, sporting events, concerts, trips to the doctor, last minute runs to the store to pick up something that is needed for school the next day.  In some years bones are broken, houses sold,  or new jobs started.  In other years, big vacations are taken, straight A’s are earned or loved ones die.

This year, like all those before it, contained it’s share of ups and downs:

  • UP:  We bought a house after three years of not owning a house.  We love living in the South.  I even catch myself saying “ya’ll” a few times a week.
  • DOWN: The Good Guy was shot.  The Thinker had to administer first aid in the middle of nowhere and was adversely affected enough to hurt his performance in school to the point that Summer School is looming over his plans for the upcoming summer vacation.
  • UP: I moved my blog to WordPress, went to a blogging conference in March, learned a Ton about photography, social media and monetizing my blog.  I also attended an online conference in October which has given me a great shot in the arm.
  • DOWN: I have not had the time to keep up with all of my blogging friends, to the point that I have seemed to become rather aloof.
  • UP: The Comedian brought home his first report card with all As and Bs!  For a child with a 504 in place, who has  never been able to read an entire book by himself, that’s saying something.
  • DOWN: The Musician got his license and his first ticket all within a month.  We barely got used to higher insurance and now it’s going up even more!
  • UP: Princess Pat sang in the school talent show as a kindergartener.  “You Are My Sunshine” never sounded so good to this mother’s ear.
  • DOWN: The Engineer missed out on playing football because of our move and the gun incident.
  • UP: I went gluten free, was finally diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Disease and feel so much better on a new med regimen.
  • DOWN: I went gluten free and really miss pizza, homemade rolls and KFC.
  • UP: Princess Pat lost some teeth
  • DOWN: The Thinker’s arches fell, so he is doomed to wear orthotic inserts in his shoes.  The Comedian decided he was done taking his growth hormone shots, so he may not get much taller than his present 5’1.”  The Engineer caught pneumonia and was sick for a long time.
  • UP: It’s the Musican’s senior year!  He has already been accepted to one university, but we are waiting by the mailbox for THE school that he wants to attend.
  • DOWN: Public school is SO not free.  I get so mad at all of the fees, extra items required and sometimes pointless assignments.
  • UP: We live near the beach and get to go often.  The kids are water bugs and love to play in the surf.
  • DOWN: Some beaches are just not meant for anything but walking.  Those that are made of little shells instead of sand are to be avoided at all costs.  Those stinking shells get under swim suits and stick to your skin like glue.
  • UP: We bought season passes at the zoo and the local alligator farm (mostly because with a family as big as mine, it’s cheaper to just buy the pass than to go in once).
  • DOWN: A large bird zeroed in on me while at the zoo and, ahem, laid one on my head and arm.  Ew!! just doesn’t cover the experience.
  • UP: My husband’s cousin works on the half-time entertainment for the Gator Bowl and got us tickets to see it last year (she’s working on this year, too!!).
  • DOWN: We live too far away from our extended family.  When my parents visit next summer, it will have been two years since I have seen them.  It’s been even longer since I have seen two of my brothers.  Boo.

Good things, bad things; the year had it’s share of both.  Writing this brought a few smiles to my face as I remembered the highlights.  I shuddered a few times as well.  I don’t ever want a family member shot again.  I also won’t be walking under a tree filled with large sea birds any time soon.

The next year is waiting for us, filled with the promise of future events.  There’s a high school graduation coming, there’s another new driver’s license to be gotten, there will be a new high school student next fall, there will be more sports, more beach trips, more cuts and bruises, more teenage angst.  It’s all coming, plus more.  And I can’t wait.

I hope you will be along for the ride!




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