1 Ekim 2012 Pazartesi

Average Betty and Above Average Estonia

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Estonia Photo (c) Average Betty
Remember that time you won a Taste Award for Best WebFood Program, which included a fabulous trip to Estonia, but you weretoo afraid to fly over an ocean, so you asked your dear friend and fellow foodblogger, Average Betty, to go on the trip for you, and she had an amazing time,and when your friends and family saw the pictures they couldn’t believe what anidiot you were for not going?
That’s right, I didn’t go on what could’ve been the trip ofa lifetime because I’m afraid to fly. Actually, I’m not that scared of flying –it’s the crashing that I’m really not into. Anyway, as you’ll see on her blog,Sara went and represented like a boss.
Below you’ll find a wonderful video recipe she did forKarask, a very traditional Estonian barley bread. The bread looks fantastic, and I'm looking forward to trying it. I insist youhead over to Average Betty to get the full recipe, as well as see and read more about the trip. 
By the way, the painfully cute spoon pictured here is a souvenir that Sara brought back for me. I've heard nothing but great things about Estonia, but that they have freakishly small wooden spoons there tells me all I need to know.
Even though I didn’t make it over there myself, I want tothank the Taste Awards for the honor, and the fine people of Estonia for makingthe trip possible. Enjoy!

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