27 Aralık 2012 Perşembe

Christmas Tree and Decor 2012

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I'm excited to share our Christmas decor with you this year! I had so much fun making virtually everything that I have used this year and it's helped get me in the Christmas spirit for sure. 
Let's start with the tree!
These are a few of my favorite (purchased) ornaments. Most I had on hand from previous years but I added a few this year, like the silvery monograms.

I added some gold and cream script ribbon intertwined with some burlap garland to wrap around the tree.I made these monogram ornaments by simply filling a clear plastic bulb with glitter and adding the gold monogram for each of my kids' names. 

The tree skirt was also another favorite of mine this year. I have seen a bijillion tutorials for a ruffled tree skirt and decided I loved it but wanted to make it my "own". I used a canvas and cut it into a 42" circle and cup an opening for the tree to fit in. I used velcro strips to close it up and added a cream linen ruffle and bow to it. Next comes the fun part.I printed off an image I made on the computer and laid it underneath the finished skirt. I used a pencil to trace it (the best I could - the canvas was not very see thru!) Then I used gold metallic fabric paint and added the "Peace on Earth" image. I absolutely love it! I almost don't want to cover it with presents! PSH! Ya right!

Here's the full tree during the day!

...and at night. I couldn't help but snap a photo of these sweet boys in their matching jammies by the tree. Can't believe there will be a third little one next year! 

If you missed it, here's my shelf/mantel thing. You can see the full post with tutorials here.

This is another one of my favorites this year. I love the pearls! You can learn how to make it here.

Here are a few more pics just for fun!

JOY letters tutorial can also be found here. That's it! I am so ready for Christmas! Are you?
OH! Please take a moment to "like" my tree at the DIY Showoff Tree contest! I'm entry #86 (the photo of my boys in front of the glowing tree) Consider it your Christmas gift to me! *winks*Christmas Tree Contest
Merry Christmas friends,

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