8 Aralık 2012 Cumartesi

Understanding Chocolate

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As a baker, I know that possibly the "bait" ingredient that most people covet is chocolate.

However, just because this sinful flavor is so beloved, that doesn't mean that everybody understands the different chocolate camps.

I bring this us today, because many home enthusiasts will do the entire years worth of baking within the next 2 weeks. and after that....their pantry will remain bare until next holiday season.

So here go you.....Mr / Ms Recreational Baker.......

Take a gander at this, and have your best bake ever.

Merry Christmas L.A.B. Rats

Bittersweet Chocolate – Bittersweet chocolate can usually be substituted for semisweet chocolate; however it is made with less sugar, therefore is less sweet than semisweet chocolate

Cocoa – This is the unsweetened brown powder produced after cocoa beans are ground and the cocoa butter has been removed.
Dark Chocolate - Dark chocolate is made with chocolate liquor, extra cocoa butter, sugar, and vanilla flavoring.
Dutch Cocoa – This is cocoa that has been processed with an alkalizing agent. Dutch processed cocoa has a smoother flavor and darker color than regular cocoa, and is usually the preferred cocoa for baking.
Chocolate Liquor – When cocoa beans are ground in the manufacturing process, a sticky liquid is produced called chocolate liquor. 
Chocolate Syrup – A sweet liquid made from cocoa and corn syrup.
German Sweet Chocolate – German Sweet Chocolate is sweeter than semi-sweet chocolate.
Milk Chocolate - Milk Chocolate is made with whole milk, cream, condensed milk, or dried milk which is added to chocolate liquor, cocoa butter, sugar, and vanilla flavoring.

Semisweet Chocolate – Semi-sweet chocolate is made with chocolate liquor, extra cocoa butter, sugar, and vanilla flavoring.
Unsweetened Chocolate – Also called baking chocolate. Unsweetened chocolate is chocolate liquor in a solid form and contains no sugar.  
         White Chocolate - 

White chocolate contains chocolate liquor, therefore is not a true chocolate. It consists of cocoa butter, milk solids, milk fat, and sweeteners such as sugar or high-fructose corn syrup.

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