However, it’s probably not a bad idea to hedgeyour bets and serve a pumpkin pie so tasty and texturally perfect that nomatter what goes wrong, everyone will leave with a smile ontheir face, and a delicious memory in their heart. By the way, this is that pie.
After many years of experimentation, I’vefinally perfected what I think is the ideal formula. As I mention in the video,I’ve removed an egg white, and replaced it with some additional yolks. Thisresults in a pie that’s not only richer, but also much less likely to crack.
Of course, you still need to not to overcook it. An extra 5minutes in the oven is kryptonite to even the most brilliant pumpkin pieformulas. Use the knife test I demonstrated and you should be fine. Worst case,there’s always the whipped cream. Ah, the whipped cream.
Once the world sees the slow-mo magic that is the old,“twist, three-thrusts, and a pull,” I’m assuming she’ll be out of business inno time. That’s right, now anyone will be able to do magazine-quality dollops likea boss (and by boss, I mean overpaid food stylist).
Anyway, ruined careers aside, this really is a fantastic,and incredibly easy pumpkin pie recipe, and I sincerely hope you consideradding it to your holiday menu this year. Enjoy!
Ingredients for one pumpkin pie:1 can (15 ounce) pumpkin1 large egg3 egg yolks1 can (14 ounce) sweetened condensed milk1/4 teaspoon freshly, and very finely ground nutmeg1 teaspoon ground cinnamon1/2 teaspoon ground ginger1/8 tsp Chinese 5-spice (or to sub: a small pinch each ofground star anise, ground cloves, and ground white pepper)1/2 teaspoon fine salt
9-inch unbaked pie crust Pin It
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