28 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba

Christmas Card Idea turned Christmas Decor

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I had this idea for our family Christmas cards this year. I wanted to do the J-O-Y paper mache letters and add the wording "to the world" to the card to quote one of my favorite Christmas songs. 
First, I got J, O and Y in the 24" paper mache letters from JoAnns, some gold glitter and some regular Elmer's school glue. 
Next, I took the glue and squirted it out over the front face of the letter. Then, I used a foam brush to spread it evenly all over the front. Next, glitter it up! I thought I needed a ton of glitter but it actually covered really well and I didn't need near as much as I thought. I really loved how they turned out! 
Then, I had a friend take some photos of my little family and made our Christmas card! I'm actually quite proud of it because in my 6 1/2 years of marriage, I've never sent out a Christmas card! Gasp!!!

What do you think!?  (Yes, my 25 week belly is poking out from under my cardigan!)
The letters then sat in the back of my car for about a week or so until I began gathering ideas for my Christmas decor. I had a thought to hang the letters up on the wall. For fun, I held it up above the tv and fell in love with it. 
I also used Savannah's collection of vintage hand painted signs as inspiration for my own sign. 

and.... here it all is! I'm so glad I found a spot to hang my JOY letters. Soon, I'll show you some more of my Christmas decor for 2012.

I really love it and so happy my letters aren't still sitting in my car or closet! haha! What do you think!? Is your Christmas decor in the works??

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