A world-class gravy, while not a difficult procedure, doesrequire a little bit of finesse and attention to detail. Of course, screamingkids, chatty relatives, and alcohol consumption are the natural enemies offinesse and attention to detail, so for that reason I’m a big fan of thisalternative technique.
By the way, as I mentioned at the end of the video, justbecause you’re making this ahead of time, doesn’t mean you’re throwing away allthose amazing pan drippings. While your turkey’s resting (should be at least 30minutes), pour off the juices, skim off the fat, and add it to your gravy.
For this reason, I’ll generally make the gravy a littlethicker than I want, knowing I’m going to dump another cup or so of liquid inlater. Speaking of thickness, as with all the sauces we do, you are in completecontrol. If you want thicker gravy, use more roux and/or reduce further. If youwant something a bit lighter, use less roux and/or more stock.
Either way, making the turkey gravy ahead of time is justsmart logistics, and frees you up for more important things, like watchingfootball and fishing for compliments. I hope you give this a try. Enjoy!
Ingredients: For the stock:1 large onion, chopped2 carrots, chopped2 ribs celery, chopped2 tsp vegetable oil2 large turkey wings10 cups cold water (1 or 2 to deglaze the pan, and 8 to addto stock)4 springs thyme2 cloves garlic, optional
For the gravy:2-3 tablespoons reserved turkey fat3 tbsp butter1/2 cup flourabout 6 cups reserved, strained turkey stocksalt and pepper to taste pinch of cayennePin It
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