Okay, two things. First, when it comes to a main course, Ilike stew more than soup. If you want to stay truer to the original, add moreliquid. That’s not going to bother me, or Wolfgang. Also, since I operate in auniverse ruled by Google, I went with “goulash” since it’s a thousand timesmore recognizable than pörkölt. When’s the last time you heard someone say theywere craving a big bowl of pörkölt?
Anyway, now that we’ve cleared up absolutely nothing, I cantalk about this gorgeous dish of food. I adore everything about this dish. Thecolor is stunning, the beef is sticky and succulent, and paprika-based sauce isincredible.
By the way, I’ve heard from my people on YouTube that this is never served on noodles. How do you say, “whatever”in Hungarian? Despite our questionable naming, ingredients, and side dish, thismade for a fantastic winter dinner, and I hope you give it a try soon. Enjoy!
Ingredients for 4 large portions of beef goulash:2 tablespoons vegetable oil 2 1/2 pounds boneless beef chuck, cut into 2-inch cubes,seasoned generously with salt and pepper2 onions, chopped2 tsp olive oil1/2 tsp salt2 teaspoons caraway seeds, toasted and ground2 tablespoons Hungarian paprika1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper1/2 teaspoon cayenne1 tsp dried marjoram leaves1/2 teaspoon dried thyme leaves4 cups chicken broth (1 to deglaze pan, 3 more added tostew)
*Note: real goulash is more like a soup, so if you want yours thinner, just add 2 or 3 extra cups of broth. 1/4 cup tomato paste3 garlic cloves, crushed1/2 tsp salt, or to taste1 bay leaf1 tsp sugar2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar*Simmer for about 2 hours, or until tenderGarnish with sour cream and fresh marjoram if desired.Pin It Now!
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