23 Şubat 2013 Cumartesi

We The Pretty People Are......

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OK Peeps,

This Sunday is actually going to be interesting.

In the morning, I am driving to a radio station in Eden Prarie. If this is the one I am thinking of, it is actually really cool.

A couple of years ago when M.H.S. Press released my K-9 Nation "Baking for My Bestfriend" book, they sent me out to a radio station that I think is at least in the same area.

The place wasn't much bigger than a closet and it was plopped smack dab in the middle of a 10 000 acre plot filled with big radio relay towers and corn fields.

The moment was surreal.

I have been invited there to be interviewed by Susan Berkson.

If you live in the Twin Cities, you may know her as the quarterback of the Minneapolis Farmers Market.

Susan is high energy and like me, I think she must have terrier blood running through her veins, because this woman is ALWAYS into something new and interesting.

I am really looking forward to our date.

After that is over, I will drive back to Capitol City where Mike Finley and I will be launching a poetry book that we worked together on.

One can never be too certain, but my spies that contain the highest level of street cred have said this is going to be a FLAT OUT BASH!

Certainly to be the event of the season.

Then when the reading is over.........

Our V.I.P. friends will join us across the street at Costello's where beer and blood will be flowing with certainty.

If you will be in town, feel free to stop by and hand with me and the pretty people.

If you are a friend from a different part of the country, or from another country........

I am accepting whatever prayers and Karma you have to assure that my friends have a good time.

Alright kiddo's, I'll see you in 48 hours -

Weekend Arts Roundup: ice instruments and local poetry

by Euan Kerr, Luke Taylor
The Current's Morning Show
Norwegian musician Terje Isungset displays some of his ice instruments.
Norwegian musician Terje Isungset displays some of his ice instruments. (Emile Holba)
    1. Feb 21, 2013 Euan Kerr provides the Weekend Arts Roundup
    With Marianne Combs on vacation this week, MPR News Arts Reporter Euan Kerr joins The Current's Steve Seel and Jill Riley to talk about two performances taking shape this weekend:
    Terje Isungset: If you're out near Twin Cities lakes this weekend, you may spot Terje Isungset cutting out pieces of ice. Isungset is a Norwegian musician who uses ice to make his instruments, including marimba, harp and trumpet. He'll perform using these instruments at the Cedar Cultural Center on Monday, Feb. 25, at 7:30 p.m.
    Mike Finley and Danny Klecko: Local poets Mike Finley and Danny Klecko celebrate the release of their chapbook, Out on a Lark, with a reading on Sunday, Feb. 24, at 4 p.m., at SubText Books in St. Paul. After describing the work and backgrounds of each poet (including Klecko's impressive tattoo collection), Euan reads Finley's poem, "The Grate on Carroll Avenue."
    Plus, listen for a recap of last night's "Cube Critics Take Trivia Mafia" Oscar-themed trivia night.
    Marianne Combs joins The Current's Morning Show for the Weekend Arts Roundup every Thursday at 8:30 a.m. Read about all the latest arts news at the State of the Arts blog at mprnews.org.

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