15 Şubat 2013 Cuma

“Red Hot” Liqueur – Nicer AND Quicker

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There’s an old Valentine’s Day saying that goes, “Candy isnicer, but liquor is quicker.” It’s really a lovely sentiment, but implies youhave to choose one or the other. Hopefully this beautiful and delicioushomemade cinnamon liqueur will prove that you can use both.

This is dead simple to make, and I was pleasantly surprisedat how delicious it came out. As I mention in the video, the candy’s spicycinnamon flavor and sweetness really mellows the burn of drinking straight 80-proofbooze. This makes for some very smooth sipping, but at the same time demandsat least a modicum of restraint.

I enjoyed mine neat, but imagine this would be great overice, maybe with a splash of soda. I’m also wondering how it would be in a mugof hot cider, and by wondering, I mean obsessed with finding out. Stay tuned.

I’d like to extend a very special thanks to my friend, andfellow food blogger, Sean Timberlake. Sean publishes Hedonia and Punk Domestics, and he’s the one who turned me on to this brilliant elixir. His onlyrequest was that I use the knowledge for good, and not evil. Sorry, too late!

Anyway, giving edible gifts like chocolate is verytraditional on Valentine’s Day, so why not a drinkable gift? And if you dodecide to bottle some up, don’t forget your own customized warning label, as itwill really show how much you care. I hope you and your Valentine give this atry soon. Enjoy!

Makes about 2 1/2 cups of “Red Hot” Liqueur 1 cup Red Hots candy
2 cups cheap vodkaPin It Now!

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