17 Haziran 2012 Pazar

Big News

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Wait? Does that make me a mommy blogger?

There's so much to blog about. I'm concerned about my diet. I think most pregnant women want to do anything in their control to give their baby a healthy beginning. I know so very little. None of my close girlfriends have had a baby. I've never been very interested in babies or the gestation of them. I prefer growing plants to growing people.

We did a good job getting pregnant when we wanted.  First try!  Whoohoo! Doubt that will happen again.  I'm due a couple weeks after finals. Jeff will have time to get his grading done and then he'll have the whole summer to hang out with baby and me.  The life of a professor is a pretty good deal. 

I've got a lot of learning to do. On this blog for the next seven months, in addition to recipes, I'm going to write about what I learn and how I apply it to what I am eating, how I am exercising and dealing with baby stuff.

Jeff and I intend to stay true to our tasty, healthy, responsible eating roots as well as be mindful of how this little bump will change our lives. We plan to keep baby possessions to a minimum and buy as few new things as possible.

Want to see how this goes? So do I. Come along for the ride as I explore Garden. Cook. Write. Repeat. ^Pregnant. Don't worry this will still be a mostly recipe blog just with another flavor mixed in.

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