15 Haziran 2012 Cuma

Turkey Shish Kaburgers! A Seriously Not Horrible Turkey Burger

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Usually when I post a recipe, I want it to be fantastic,awesome, incredible, inspiring, and/or mind-blowing. With this turkey shishkaburger, I was only shooting for not horrible. Happily, we achieved that andmuch more.
I’ve received countless food wishes for turkey burgers overthe years, but just the mere thought of that dull, pale, insipid lump of meat(aka “the Mitt Romney of meat”), had me reaching for the delete button. Evenwhen I’m out for a cheeseburger, and I see someone in front of me begrudginglyorder the turkey burger (hold the mayo), I think to myself, “that poorbastard.”
So, how do you turn the dreaded t-burg into something thatwould cause envy instead of pity? When in doubt, go ethnic! I figured if weborrowed from the famously flavorful shish kabob, but used turkey instead oflamb or beef, we just may be able to pull this off. I know I lot of you think chunksof meat when you hear “shish kabob,” but ground meat is also used, and I’vealways preferred that version anyway.
As I mention in the clip, I used the “rising juice method”to test for doneness, but since ground poultry isn’t something you want to takea chance with, I suggest you use a thermometer to ensure an internaltemperature of 165 degrees F. Just keep in mind, since turkey is so low in fat,no matter how incredibly well you season the meat, if you overcook these, evena little, they will be dry.
But, the good news is if you don’t, and remove them withmost of their precious moisture intact, you’ll be enjoying a turkey burgerthat’s not only not horrible, but is actually delicious. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 4 turkey burgers:1 1/2 lb ground turkey 1 1/2 tablespoons plain breadcrumbs1 1/2 tablespoons ground almonds1 or 2 tsp hot chili paste, or minced fresh hot peppers2 cloves crushed garlic1 1/2 teaspoon finely grated fresh ginger 1 1/2 teaspoons salt1 1/2 teaspoons garam masala 1 tablespoon lemon juice2 tablespoons yogurt2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro
*I garnished mine with mayo, topped with red onions and tomatoes I tossed in lemon juice, and more cilantro leaves.

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