While I may take this procedure for granted, it really is atechnique that should be mastered by all home cooks. There are three keyelements necessary to achieve roasted red potato nirvana. You need a heavy,shallow roasting pan or baking dish, lots of olive oil, and the most preciousingredient of all…time.
I use a Le Creuset, which is glazed cast iron, but anyheavy-duty pan should work. No need for expensive extra virgin olive oil forthis; just choose whatever you’d use to sauté onions and peppers for Italiansausage, which, coincidentally, would pair awesomely with roasted red potatoes.As for the relatively long cooking time, we make no apologies.
I served mine next to some grilled bass, which was toppedwith a very garlicky sauce, so I didn’t add any to my potatoes. If you do want somegarlic flavor, add some crushed cloves to hot olive oil, and let it sit for anhour. Then strain and use olive oil as shown.
Anyway, I'm sorry I didn’t post this great recipe sooner, andI’ll be sure to pay more attention to these types of requests. This is the kindof beautifully humble dish that makes any meal better, and is more than worthlearning to make well. I hope you give it a try soon. Enjoy!
Ingredients for 6 portions Roasted Red Potatoes:2 pounds red potatoes, cut in evenly-sized piecessalt, pepper, cayenne to tastethyme sprigs, add whole and remove barren twigs after cooked1/4 to 1/3 cup olive oil1/2 large red bell pepper, seeded, cut in chunks
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